A symbol is something that stands for something else. The leprechaun is one of the main symbols
for St. Patrick's Day.
Let's read together to find out what a leprechaun is.
Now think about and answer the following questions :
1. What does a leprechaun look like?
2. Where does leprechaun live?
3. What does a leprechaun guard?
4. Would you like to meet a leprechaun? Why or Why not?
There is a special place in Ireland that a camera has been put to try to see Leprechauns.
Let's see if you can spot a leprechaun! While you are there you can read about
sightings of leprechauns by other people.
Click to look for Leprechauns!
A leprechaun is small and green He hides where he cannot be seen. But if you catch one on this day, He must give
his gold away.
Let's sing a fun song about a Leprechuan.
Click below for the words and sing it to the tune
"Mary Had a Little Lamb".
Click To Sing
ACTIVITY : Write a letter to a leprechaun. Use correct
letter writing structure and ask the leprechaun two questions. You are also going to make a leprechaun trap
to try to catch your own leprechaun!
Leave it out overnight in your classroom and see if you catch a leprechuan!
Your teacher will show you how.